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Lobi ethnic stool. Burkina faso. West africa. S.XX

The stools of 3 legs are characteristic of the Lobi people. It is used exclusively by men since this three-legged design allowed them to easily carry it hanging on the shoulder when they moved..
The stools of 4 legs were reserved for women.

The stool is carved from a single piece of very solid wood and retains the simple and abstract forms of Lobi art..
Despite its simple lines and its height (barely lifts 20cm from the ground to the base of the seat) it is surprisingly comfortable when the ideal posture is found. We imagine long nights around the fire in this kind of seat.

The curiosity of this seat is that it can also be laid down and used as a headrest..

It is in perfect condition with obvious signs of use and a smooth shiny patina from use..



Price: 140.00 €

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Many ethnic groups in West Africa use these small carved wooden stools to rest their heads off the ground as well as to protect their intricate hairstyles.. They are also simply used as a seat.

This beautiful specimen comes from the north of Kenya, from the surroundings of Lake Turkana Carved from a single piece of wood and with a rope (protected by thick plastic) for your transport.

Obvious signs of use, both in the patina and in the lower friction.

Measures: 18 cm alto


Price: 80.00 €

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Beautiful Tuareg post-pickaxe. Mediados S.XX. Mali. West Africa

These posts were used to anchor the jaimas to the terrain of the Sahara, that is why the base of the cane is corroded due to its prolonged stay in the sand. The cane design also allows for hanging utensils, bolsos, food etc to keep them away from sandy soil.

Measures: Long 125 cm, diameter 11 cm.

Unique piece.


Price: 85.00 €

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Spectacular carved solid wood chair. Bambara style, of the Kingdom of Segou, Mali, West Africa. Mitad S.XX

This removable model with origin in West Africa has spread to the rest of the continent, applying its artistic style in each area..

Highlight the exquisite geometric carving on the front and the embossed crocodile on the back, making this chair beautiful from all sides.

Its beauty lies in its simple design. One piece of the backrest is easily inserted with the piece of the seat.

It's heavy (alrededor de los 18 kg) and is made for adults. Measures: 110 cm de alto x 36 cm wide.

Unique piece.


Price: 550.00 €

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Beautiful French doors Dogon, Mali, West Africa.
Estas puertas y ventanas son utilizadas en las casas y sobre todo en los graneros del Pais Dogón.
Sobre la madera se realizan esculturas en forma de totems protectores del mal de ojo, así como diferentes símbolos y animales en cuya protección creen y veneran.
En la cultura Dogón este tipo de puertas se regalan de unos a otros por motivos de carácter social.
Esta puerta en concreto está en perfecto estado de conservación, Wood has a beautiful patina and artistic level no doubt that it is a beautiful piece.

Measures: 64cm x 44 cm


Price: 325.00 €

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More units available! Explore Madera, furniture

Estas puertas y ventanas son utilizadas en las casas y sobre todo en los graneros del Pais Dogón (Mali). West Africa.

Sobre la madera se realizan esculturas en forma de totems protectores del mal de ojo, así como diferentes símbolos y animales en cuya protección creen y veneran.

Este tamaño de puerta es de 48 cm de ancho x 49 cm de alto y se usa como puerta de granero, donde recogen las distintas cosechas durante el año. Estos totems protegen la cosecha de la cual depende la aldea.

En la cultura Dogón este tipo de puertas se regalan de unos a otros por motivos de carácter social.


Price: 0.00 €

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Ethiopian chair with remains of polychrome from the mid-20th century.

Crafted from a single piece of wood.

It has three thick legs as support and the seat is concave.

Measures approximately 1 meter high and 45 cm ancho.

Traces of blue paint are observed since this type of chairs used to be repainted for some special ceremony.

The price includes the matching table-stool.

Ideal for ethnic home decor.

Unique model.


Price: 750.00 €

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Estas puertas y ventanas son utilizadas en las casas y sobre todo en los graneros del Pais Dogón (Mali). Sobre la madera se realizan esculturas en forma de totems protectores del mal de ojo, así como diferentes símbolos y animales en cuya protección creen y veneran. Un elemento muy común son los senos femeninos que sobresalen claramente sobre todas las demás esculturas de la puerta, cuyo significado se aplica a las cosechas y a las mujeres de la casa, para que sean ricas y fecundas. En la cultura Dogón este tipo de puertas se regalan de unos a otros por motivos de carácter social.

Esta puerta en concreto está en perfecto estado de conservación, la madera tiene una hermosa pátina y a nivel artístico no cabe duda de que es una hermosa pieza de un maestro escultor, por desgracia desconocido pero reconocido. S.XX

Measures: 82 cm x 184 cm.



Price: 1,850.00 €

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@@@@@@@@@@@@ AGOTADAS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Estas puertas y ventanas son utilizadas en las casas y sobre todo en los graneros del Pais Dogón (Mali). Sobre la madera se realizan esculturas en forma de totems protectores del mal de ojo, así como diferentes símbolos y animales en cuya protección creen y veneran. Un elemento muy común son los senos femeninos que sobresalen claramente sobre todas las demás esculturas de la puerta, cuyo significado se aplica a las cosechas y a las mujeres de la casa, para que sean ricas y fecundas. En la cultura Dogón este tipo de puertas se regalan de unos a otros por motivos de carácter social.

Specifically these small doors measure 23 cm x 31 cm .


Price: 0.00 €

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Disponemos de diferentes tamaños de puertas dogones, por favor consúltenos en qué tamaño estaría interesado y le informaremos de los tamaños y stock actualizado a cada momento.


Price: 0.00 €

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Precioso taburete antiguo de la etnia Dogón del norte de Malí, West Africa. Finales S.XX
Carved from a single piece of wood represents four human figures (two men and two women) sitting on their heads holding the seat base to the way the Dogon tuguná (low-roofed structure held up by poles and thick that forms the space reserved for the elders of the town where they discuss matters concerning the village).
Lo que más nos gusta es la preciosa pátina del asiento, signo evidente de que ha sido utilizada asiduamente. Está en perfectas condiciones a pesar de la fisura en la parte superior.

Measures: High 21 cm, diameter 22 cm.

Reference: 60011


Price: 245.00 €

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Taburete hecho de una sola pieza de madera antigua. Pertenece a la etnia Dogón del norte de Mali.

Muy resistente con claros signos de uso continuado, tanto en la patina del asiento como en la base.

Measures: 30 cm high, 24 cm in diameter.

Reference: 60009


Price: 80.00 €

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Magnífino carved wooden bowl on a fine piece from Niger, West Africa. It is decorated with beautiful geometric designs and there are signs of reconstruction and who habitually use these bowls for deteriorated both the base and sides and traditional systems were repaired assembly.

This bowl despite its use remains in good condition.

Measures: 38 cm in diameter, high 18 cm.

Reference: 60002



Price: 0.00 €

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Beautiful staircase brought directly from the Dogon Country, Mali, West Africa. First Half S.XX

Carved from a single piece of wood taking advantage of the natural shape of the original tree, these stairs are still used today in Dogon houses to gain access to the barns ( small buildings that are built high to avoid rodents) and also facilitate access to the roofs of houses to dry the harvest.

It stands perfectly upright since its own weight is enough for it to be stable.

Wonderful patina of use that makes this staircase a very special piece with history.

High: 144cm (57")
Circumference: 39 cm (15")


Price: 700.00 €

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